Saturday 13 December 2014

BEWARE!! Apa yang gerak-gerak tu dekat sebelah pinggan??!!! *&%$#^$#^^*

Assalamualaikum. Ok. Tajuk kali ni pun dah buat korang kena hati2. Yes! Memang patut hati2 especially bila makan dekat luar. Ni jadi dekat team Needle, masa tengah makan dekat satu event ni, in which...tu event Needle Team jd antara kakitangan kat situ.. **owh my gucci!!**


Tengah makan, tiba-tiba ternampak siput ni berjalan-jalan dekat lapik meja, betul-betul sebelah pinggan salah seorang team Needle. And masa tu, admin belum habis makan lagi tau. Yang seorang team Needle ni terus terbantut selera lepas nampak siput ni. Kita orang YAKIN ni SIPUT BABI!! wuaaa..terus nak termuntah bila ingat. But in the end, ni adalah siput pantai. Macam mana pulak la siput pantai ada kat tengah-tengah bandar. Owh..situasi ni berlaku dekat Subang Jaya ye. So agak-agak, mana nak jumpa pantai?? Haha..

At the end, kami satu team conclude kan, siput ni datang dari peserta lawatan. Kesian dekat catering tu, bila muka dia terus putih lepas bagitahu yang ktorang jumpa siput. And paling tak boleh lupa, orang catering tu siap gentel-gentel ye siput yang hidup tu macam gentel tahi hidung. Nak pengsan tengok!!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

#NeedleTips: Kembangkan Kasut Yang Dah Ketat


Assalamualaikum dan selamat siang :)

Entry kali ni mengenai KASUT. Zaman anak dara dulu, muat je kasut tu. Lepas dah bina keluarga, kaki mengembang-ngembang. Size kasut muat je, tapi dah sempit sikit sebab mengembang. RUGI KAN??

Kita ada jalan penyelesaian dia. First Step, TIRU je macam dalam gambar ni buat.

Second Step: Dah letak bungkusan air dalam kasut tu, letak dalam freezer.

Kenapa freezer? Sebab molekul air akan bertukar menjadi molekul pepejal bila sejuk. Dan molekul pepejal tu akan menolak molekul2 kasut, nescaya ia dapat membantu mengembangkan kasut tu sedikit. Terima kasih kepada Sains, kita mampu merubah sesuatu menjadi lebih bermakna. Walaupun ianya hanya sepasang kasut yang tidak bernyawa..heheh..Till then, see ya next time!!

p/s: Leave us any comments down below. Mana yang pernah cuba, jom kita share testimoni sama2. We would like to here them all!! <3

#NeedleTips: Organizing Printed T-Shirt

Assalamualaikum dan selamat siang :)

Simplicity is the Ultimate Form of Sophistication! And fashion yang paling simple and tak akan ditelan zaman is always Simple T and Jeans. Selesa pulak tu kan? For my teams and I, baju t-shirt tu memang wajib!. Ada yang plain, ada yang bercorak-corak. Macam-macam jenis.

But when it comes to organizing, tshirt bila dilipat-lipat masuk dalam laci macam dah cukup organize dah. Kemas dah kan. Tapi tak functional! Tarik keluar baju macam dah betul, sekali printed design yang lain pulak. Bila keadaan mendesak, kita pakaikan je. Bayangkan, nak pergi gotong royong kat surau, tapi terambil tshirt hard rock cafe.. hmm..macam tak proper je. And here, kita dah pun jumpa tips organizing your printed t-shirt. 

Lepas ni korang dah tak payah nak pening2 dah..say hello to new organizing tips!!

Sunday 23 November 2014

#NeedleTips: Stretch Your Jean to Fit & Reshape Your Jeans to Suit Your Body!

Dulu-dulu masa beli jeans kesayangan, muat je..lepas beberapa bulan pakai rasa dah ketat. Nak buang sayang. Maklum lah. Jeans kesayangan. Tiba-tiba hari tu ada duit lebih beli jeans mahal. Pernah rasa tak?? Kita selalu rasa macam tu. Dala nak dapatkan 'The Right Jeans' tu susah gila! Memilih kot kita ni.. heheh

Anyway, kita dah jumpa tips dah macam mana. Thanks to my mom's oficemate! Diorang yang bagi tips super brilliant and it works perfectly!! Bukan setakat untuk stretch kan jeans korang yang dah ketat tu. But also bentukkan jeans tu sesuai untuk your body. Kalau jeans tu besar, it can work to fit you yang dah makin kurus tu. Tapi tips ni memerlukan kesabaran sikit tau.

#NeedleTips: Stretching Your Jeans to Fit & Reshape Your Jeans to Suit Your Body!

1- Pakai jeans.

2- Basahkan jeans yang korang tengah pakai tu dalam shower or even in the bath tub. Tutup paip kalau dah cukup basah.
3- Tunggu dengan kesabaran dalam sejam ke 3 jam. Time ni korang still pakai lagi tau jeans nya.
4- Ok. Boleh dah dijemur. 

Selalu tips ni cuma buat sekali 2 je tuk seluar baru. Untuk seluar yang dah lama, proses ni perlu diulang2 selalu. haa..nak seronok, korang main hujan. but make sure pakai jeans tau. huhu..selamat mencuba semua, Nanti dah nampak kesan, make sure share korang punya komen and testimoni kat sini tau..Goodluck :)

Sunday 16 November 2014

#NeedleStyle: Tshirt Cartoon. Simple Yet Elegant

Assalamualaikum..Panasnya cuaca sekarang ni! Nak keluar jalan-jalan pun kena cari baju yang boleh menyerap peluh. Nipis, tapi tak jarang. Yeah.. Dan selalunya.. bila dah pening2 nak pakai baju apa, tshirt + jeans = The BEST Choice. Lepas tu, malas sangat..balut dengan shawl. Tak payah gosok. Senang gila!! Tula fashion/trends perempuan bila malas. Pernah dengar tak, 


So, let's get simple, ladies!!

Korang pun boleh dapatkan tshirt cartoon 3D dekat sini. Sekarang tengah Harga Rugi! Dulu-dulu RM32. Sekarang RM25 + FREE POSTAGE SELURUH MALAYSIA!! Owsem! 

Saturday 5 April 2014

#NeedleAdvice: Siapa Mahu??? Raise Your Hand!!!



**AWET MUDA even umur dah 60 tahun but still looking YOUNG like 20th? Who?? RAISE YOUR HAND!!!

**BE GREAT AND LOOKING GREAT ALWAYS!!! even tengah in bad condition? Who?? RAISE YOUR HAND!!!

**People ALWAYS on YOUR SIDE, even you are making the BIG MISTAKES..without aktiviti bodek-membodek. Who?? RAISE YOUR HAND!!!

The answer to this is POSITIVE.

1- Start your day with COMPLIMENT others. When you make other people smile, it does makes you happy..Although a simple word "GOOD JOB", "AWAK NAMPAK COMEL"

2- Be POSITIVE! Every thought, just think positive. Pernah dengar, EVERYTHING HAPPEN FOR A REASONS? How bad things happen, there MUST be something good awaits us. read more

3- HUG! Tahukah anda, untuk menambahkan rasa kasih sayang dan kegembiraan pada diri sendiri adalah dengan MEMELUK orang lain SEKURANG-KURANGNYA 8 KALI SEHARI? Yes! Kajian menunjukkan mereka yang banyak memeluk orang dapat mengurangkan kadar stress. Let's hug!!

Fatimah Zulkifly
The Needle Representative

Tuesday 1 April 2014



Kita aim sesuatu. Kita tahu agak sukar. Tapi kita YAKIN. And last, kita mampu capai apa yang kita mahu. Contoh paling terdekat, kumpul duit untuk kahwin.

Senyum sehingga ke telinga jika anda pernah rasa sebegitu. Itulah rezeki. Yakinkan hati, Usaha, Insyaallah dapat! Katakan alhamdulillah.

Pernah tak terfikir, disebalik rezeki yang kita perolehi dengan secara tiba tu, sebenarnya itulah satu keinsafan untuk diri kita. Tanpa kebenaran DIA, kita tidak akan mungkin capai. Daripada betul2 papa kedana, tiba2 kita terpilih untuk memenangi pertandingan yang membuatkan kita JUTAWAN!. Sangat2 impossible! Itulah kebesarannya.

Menangislah dan sujudlah kamu di atas sejadah. Walaupun hanya seringgit, ucapkan syukur. Kerana seringgit itulah yang dapat meringankan beban kamu. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.


Monday 17 February 2014

TheNeedleTips: How To Create The Illusion Of a Longer Leg?



Title:  How To Create The Illusion Of a Longer Leg?

What u should do?
-Wear fitted jeans with a distinct flare at the bottom.

What u should NOT do?
- Too tight means too bad!!

>> How To Look More Stylist. Read More.

**For more fashion tips, give ur suppport by LIKE us only at The Needle Collections**

FREE fashion consultant?? We CAN help u! Give us WANT U WANT and WE WILL GUIDE U**

For free consultation:

Sunday 16 February 2014

TheNeedleTips: How To Make Your Neck Look Flatters?


Date: 16 Feb 2104
Title:   How To Make Your Neck Look Flatters?

What u should do?
- Wear clothes that have V-shaped or U-shaped necklines.

What u should NOT do?
- Wearing others necklines shape make you look even shorter.

>> How To Elongate Your Lower Body? Read More.

**For more fashion tips, give ur suppport by LIKE us only at The Needle Collections**

FREE fashion consultant?? We CAN help u! Give us WANT U WANT and WE WILL GUIDE U**

For free consultation:



Wednesday 12 February 2014

TheNeedleTips: How To Make You Look Taller?


Date: 12 Feb 2014
Title: How To Make You Look Taller?

What u should do?
- Wear something vertical in pattern or choose to wear anything that straight cut.  

What u should NOT do?

- Wearing many different patterns will makes your body look wider than reality.

>> How To Make Your Neck Look Flatters? Read More

**For more fashion tips, give ur suppport by LIKE us only at The Needle Collections**

FREE fashion consultant?? We CAN help u! Give us WANT U WANT and WE WILL GUIDE U**

For free consultation:

Sunday 2 February 2014

TheNeedleTips: How To Look Fabulous For Petite Ladies?


Date: 3 Feb 2014
Title: How To Look Fabulous For Petite Ladies?

What u should do?
-Wear clothes that fit you well.

What u should NOT do?
- An outfit that doesn't fit correctly will make you smaller and even child like.

>> How To Make You Look Taller?.Read More

**For more fashion tips, give ur suppport by LIKE us only at The Needle Collections**

FREE fashion consultant?? We CAN help u! Give us WANT U WANT and WE WILL GUIDE U**

For free consultation:

Monday 27 January 2014

Kenyang Untuk Menangis

Subang Jaya: Seramai 37 orang menghadiri majlis yang dianjurkan oleh salah sebuah syarikat IT terkemuka di Dorsett Hotel, Subang Jaya. Majlis tersebut telah menghidangkan pelbagai jenis makanan berasaskan makanan melayu, barat dan Jepun dan dihidangkan mengikut 3 kategori iaitu pembuka selera. makanan utam dan pencuci mulut. Makanan bufet tengahari berharga RM75 untuk dewasa amatlah menyelerakan dan purata bintang yang diberikan pada makanan adalah 4.5 bintang daripada 5 bintang. 

Majlis ini dianjurkan sempena meraikan hari terakhir tiga staf HeiTech Defence. Tiga staf tersebut adalah Nuree, Wati dan Moon. Perpisahan mereka disambut dengan tangisan berserta hadiah tajaan HeiTech Defence, beberapa kepingan gambar yang telah dibingkaikan bersama tandatangan kesemua staff dan ucapan yang menyentuh perasaan daripada CEO HeiTech Defence. Majlis ini dimeriahkan lagi dengan kehadiran Pengasas dan CEO The Needle Collections, Fatimah Zulkifly yang semakin menjadi kegilaan selepas menawarkan perkhidmatan pemotongan dan penambahan kain mengikut ketinggian pelanggan secara percuma. 

Thursday 23 January 2014

NeedleTalks: Jadikan Buah Lemon Itu Minuman Yang Manis


Kita hanya manusia biasa. Setiap kisah kita pasti akan menarik beberapa orang. Sebab itulah wujudnya surat khabar, majalah & blog tabloid. Tetapi bukan semua orang akan memahami dan mengerti setiap getir yang kita lalui. Dan sangatlah sedikit bilangan orang akan sentiasa mengingati kebaikkan orang lain walaupun hanya kesilapan kecil yang dilakukan, tetapi kita semua bagaikan tuhan yang pandai meletakkan hukuman.

Oleh itu, betapa stress atau sedih diri ini, sembunyikanlah di belakang senyuman yang terukir. Percayalah, dunia hanya akan mampu menerima anda disaat anda menangis dibelakang senyuman daripada menangis di atas keresahan dan kemurungan.

::My Prinsip::
Senyum2 selalu my dearies :)

Wednesday 22 January 2014

NeedleAdvice: Keys to Become RICH

#NeedleAdvice: Keys to become RICH in Life

- Persistence: Learn from KEEP PRAYING
- Committed: Learn from Solat Taubat, Dhuha & Tahajud. 

Have u done your prayer?

NeedleAdvice: University That Teach You Everything!

#NeedleInspired: Belajarlah sehingga ke Negara China. Dan pelajaran yang paling besar ialah PELAJARAN KEHIDUPAN. Ini semua hanya boleh didapati melalui PENGALAMAN 

Insyaallah. I will be graduated at University Of Life at my age only 25. Amin :)

p/s: I sangat super duper LOVE my Maxi Jubah Dress tu. Sangat2 selesa and warna yang sangat vibrant Fresh!. Gila kau..semua orang pandang2 atas bawah. Not only at my age but also 30-40an.. <3

NeedleFashionTips: Style Tips for Plus Size


Date: 13 Jan 2014
Title: Style Tips for Plus Size 

What u should do?
- MUST know your body shape first before buying a cloth. (Rectangular Shape, Hourglass Figure, Apple Shape or Pear Shape)

What u SHOULD NOT do?
- Don't just follow the trends. The clothes might seems right for others but MAY NOT be right for u.

**For more fashion tips, give ur suppport by LIKE us only at The Needle Collections**

**Want FREE fashion consultant?? We CAN help u! Give us WANT U WANT and WE WILL GUIDE U**

For free consultation:

NeedleFashionTips: Know Your Body!


Date: 13 Jan 2014
Title: How To Recognize Your Body Shape?

1- Rectangle Shape 
- Bust & Hips have the same length.
- Wide waist

2- Hour Glass Shape (Ideal Figure)
- Bust & Hips have the same length.
- Narrow waist

3- Pear Shape (The MOST common)
- Widest part below waist.

4- Apple Shape
- Fullness around the middle.
- But good legs

**For more fashion tips, give ur suppport by LIKE us only at The Needle Collections**

**Want FREE fashion consultant?? We CAN help u! Give us WANT U WANT and WE WILL GUIDE U**

For free consultation:

NeedleFashionTips: How to MIX t-shirt for office look?


Date: 9 Jan 2014
Title: How to mix t-shirt for office look?

What u should do?
- Mix and match with any formal clothes. Ex: Match with Blazer, Office Pant / Skirt, etc.
- MUST, MUST sum up the look with formal shoes! At the end, people will judge your look after they see the whole thing. That shoes will MAKE all different! 

What u SHOULD NOT do?
- Don't mix & match a t-shirt with NON formal thing. REMEMBER, what we want a suitable outfit to go to the office not a casual event.

**For more fashion tips, give ur suppport by LIKE us only at The Needle Collections**

**Want FREE fashion consultant?? We CAN help u! Give us WANT U WANT and WE WILL GUIDE U**

For free consultation:

NeedleFashionTips: How to ALWAYS look GOOD in office?


Date: 8 Jan 2014
Title: How to ALWAYS look GOOD in office?

What u should do?
- Make a schedule in your wardrobe. Always rotate formal with formal-casual work attire. That will makes u look fresh as brand new!

What u should NOT do?
- Don't be too
casual BORING & formal FIERCE all weeks in mixing & matching ur clothes. It makes u look DULLER!

**For more fashion tips, give ur suppport by LIKE us only at The Needle Collections**

FREE fashion consultant?? We CAN help u! Give us WANT U WANT and WE WILL GUIDE U**

For free consultation:

NeedleFashionTips: Rainy Day


Date: 6 JAN 2014
Weather: Rainy
Temp: 26 degress
Place: Malaysia

What u need?
- A KNITTED SHIRT & A SCARF to make yourself warmer!! 

**For more fashion tips, give your support by LIKE us only at The Needle Collections**

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Good Morning!!

Selamat Pagi Semua. Mulakan harimu dengan Bismillah. 

Wah!!! My first post. Im so excited to dig in what I can do with this. Im hoping I could inspired many people. Follow me if I bring joyness in your life :)